Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), traditional healing the Chinese way, is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, forms
of health care systems known to mankind. It dates back and has been in continuous use for over 5,000 years. That's 50 solid centuries!
It grew out of a thorough examination of how everything in the reality of nature works. From the deepest most invisible levels right up to the visible physical levels and the interactions thereof.
It is grounded on the ancient
principles of Taoism, a Chinese philosophical and religious tradition that
emphasizes living in harmony with nature.
You may wonder how such an "old" form of healing can still be relevant today. Well, TCM is still an applicable health therapy because of one reason: It is grounded on timeless, fixed and consistent natural law.
Some of the herbal remedies on this site, e.g Anti-Aging Health, are proof positive of their continued relevance.
TCM has a unique concept of the world and the human body that is very different from western medicine. Humans are perceived as miniature versions of the universe - living beings with distinct organs, tissues and other body components performing very different functions but, at the same time, dependent on one another - as the yin yang symbol (at right) symbolizes. |
The Yin Yang Symbol![]() |
Holistic inquiry and external scrutiny usually provide all the information required for diagnosis of disease.
The four basic types of diagnostic scrutiny are visual examination, listening and smelling, inquiring, and touching. By simply applying these four methods of investigation, accurate assessment of the physical and emotional imbalances of your internal organs can be conclusively established and harmony restored.
Since established and accepted formulas are available for various diagnostic patterns, diagnosis, more often that not, very quickly points to the designated therapy. An accurate diagnosis enables a TCM practitioner to prescribe a remedy, that has proven to be safe and effective for thousands of years.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal
medicine are the most commonly used.
Other TCM therapies include acupressure, dietary therapy, Chinese massage, and mind-body therapies such as qi gong and tai chi.
has a long and proven track record of
treating a wide range of health conditions. Unlike conventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine goes beyond just addressing the symptoms of a
disease. It goes to the source and brings out healing from the inside of your body out.
What the Chinese have learned and observed through practical experience over thousands of years is increasingly being validated by modern scientific investigations and studies.
Nowadays, Traditional
Chinese Medicine is formally taught and practiced
alongside western medicine in many colleges, clinics and hospitals
China, in the west, and the rest of the world because
it works.
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