marks, or as dermatologist's call them, striae (singular: stria), are a
form of scarring that causes formation of long "angry" looking narrow lines or streaks with an off-color hue on the skin.
They occur when the skin is excessively stretched over a short time period, causing the middle layer of skin (dermis) to tear in places, exposing the blood vessels which show through - the main reason the marks are usually red or purplish when they first appear.
Striae are associated with rapid growth or rapid changes in weight. Changes your skin may be a bit slow in keeping up with, e.g those that occur during pregnancy, adolescence growth spurts, weight gain and weightlifting. Family history (genetics) may also play a part. If a close relative e.g your mother or sister had them during pregnancy, chances are that you'll get them. Younger mothers (teens) are also more susceptible. |
Best Stretch Mark Cream |
Pregnancy, sudden growth spurts, weightlifting and surgery also cause the body to increase production of the glucocorticoid hormone.
This hormone inhibits formation of collagen and elastin
fibers (that are required to keep rapidly growing skin rigid) by fibroblasts. Lack
of adequate surportive material leads to dermal and epidermal tearing when the
skin is subjected to a stretching force beyond its ability to withstand.
medical conditions e.g Marfan's syndrome - a genetic disorder of the
connective tissue, and prolonged or improper use of corticosteroid
medication increases susceptibility.
Although both men and women are affected, they occur most often in women.
The marks themselves pose no health risks at all . They are mainly an issue of aesthetic and cosmetic concern - effect(s) on physical appearance.
While it's not possible to prevent them in some situations like pregnancy, weight control and proper skin care can reduce the chances of their development.
key to prevention is proper nutrition. Load up on foods
rich in zinc, protein,
vitamins A and C, fish, eggs, carrots, nuts, fruits... and lots of water to
keep your skin hydrated. Avoid "refined" foods and those rich in
sugar, they will wreck havoc on your skin.
Skinception Intensive Stretch Marks Therapy fades the marks by up to 72.5%. It is scientifically formulated with the latest in skin care technology, it's a safe and effective way to erase those tell-tale markers on your body.
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